Climate Change
Thematic Area of Intervention
Considering current problem of the country CCFRY focused on the most deprived and vulnerable population to provide access to shelters, food, drinking water and hygiene facilities and support to the education to uplift socio-economic conditions by reducing the risk of deterioration of livelihood status of the people. Some core areas of priorities are enlisted below;
Climate change
Climate change is a global issue today and mitigation & adaptation of it is a major developmental challenge to the world. In this context, it is also one of most important challenge in Nepal although the contribution of Nepal in carbon emission is very less. The impact of climate change is high in Nepal. So, in our opinion, all the development interventions need to strategically focus on addressing the climate change risks and vulnerabilities. Our focus in climate change is;
- Build the socio-economic reliance of the community on the impact of climate change, its risk, vulnerability, mitigation and adaptation needs.
- Vegetation and natural resource management as an effort of climate change mitigation and environmental conservation
- Livelihood and economic empowerment (promotion) through organic agriculture promotion.
- Develop the climate change adoptive capacity of Local Governments in their planning of development interventions.
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